Get Ready to Be Ready


These are key questions aren’t they? If I knew the what, when and how to everything in my life, it would make things a lot easier. Then again maybe not, maybe some things are better left unknown. But, that is not true of a recipe! If you are using a recipe to make dinner, you need to find out the WHATS and the WHENS and the HOWS before you start. READ THE RECIPE FIRST, ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Yes, you need to follow the recipe as you are preparing and cooking also, but after reading it first, you will have a sense of what comes next. You will be prepared. Have you ever been caught in the middle of a recipe only to find you didn’t have what you needed to go on from there? I can remember instances when this happened to me. The fact that I can still remember those times, tells volumes about how much it annoyed me, mostly because this type of thing shouldn’t be happening to me. I know better! And, why wasn’t I prepared?? I didn’t read the recipe all the way through before I started. I didn’t have all my ingredients and cooking equipment ready first. This is one of those kick yourself in the butt moments. Spare yourself the grief.

The recipe holds the key to success.

This what you will learn from reading the recipe:

WHAT ingredients and HOW much of each ingredient do you need?
HOW should you prepare your ingredients? And WHEN are you going to add them?
WHAT temperature or setting are going to be using for this recipe?
HOW are you going to cook this dinner? Is it going in the oven, or are you cooking it on the stove top? WHAT cookware should you use?
WHAT do you need to do with the ingredients between the time you start cooking and the time the recipe is done? Do you have to turn something over, stir the ingredients, put a cover on the pan and WHEN do you do any of that?
HOW long will it take to cook and WHEN will it be done?

After you have read the recipe, and you know WHAT you need, and WHEN you need it, and HOW you are going to use it, you will be ……..

Ready and Set to Prep!

Are you ready for more? Well then travel on to Our Formula: Prep time = Saved time

PS: If you want to sink your chops into that London broil steak pictured in the cookbook on our feature picture, it is one of Ricky’s recipes and we have it posted! It is as good as it looks. It is one of our most popular recipes.

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