From Our Tables to Yours

Holiday Cheer in the Making


With our time being spent on preparation for winter and the holidays, Ricky and I have been missing sharing recipes and stories with you. We will be back up and running very soon. This year was a doozy for sure, but sharing our time with you has made it special for us. Thanks for getting to know us.

3 thoughts on “From Our Tables to Yours”

  1. Oh John Connelly….. you made me cry. As one who’s known momz since we were 3 I agree wholeheartedly. She is the BEST. So are you sweet boy. You gotta know it’s me Doreen. Xox

  2. Finally your Son can just randomly stop onto your website at ease…read AND COMMENT !! watch out world ! ( for all reading this…I am 51 typing on my first very own laptop…Mom…I’m a big kid now !! ) anyway…I just want to let all you and your ” flavorite” fans how proud I am of you !! together we have been through so much…we are still growing and learning! Dam….you can run a computer better than me…AND create a website ! Although our life has been a bumpy journey you have always stood by me as I have you. I was blessed the day I was born…I got you for a Mother ! Thank you for always standing by and being proud of me !! Happy New Year MOMZ !! I love you ! NOW…GET COOK’N cuz I’m gunna be over a lot !! P.S. got any Eggs ?? ( inside joke..sonny boy has chickens.. ) To all my momz supporters /fans…you can see how lucky I am…read and enjoy what she brings to the world.

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